Terms and Conditions
Terms of Service and Making a Purchase
Purchasing from our site is straightforward. Simply explore our collections, select the items you wish to buy, and add them to your shopping cart. Once you’ve made your selections, click on “Order,” and you’ll be prompted to provide a few necessary details to complete the transaction.
We strive to keep all items available on our website; however, there are times when certain products may be out of stock. If an item becomes unavailable, we will either remove it from the site or indicate its status as “OUT OF STOCK.”
In rare cases where we accept your order for an item but it goes out of stock before shipment, we will remove that item from your order. If the product is expected to be back in stock within 10 working days, we will place it on back-order and ship it once it becomes available.
Currently, we accept Google Pay, Shop Pay, and PAYPAL as payment options—this is due to our status as a small company that was established in April 2023. We anticipate updates to these payment methods in the future and will adjust the website accordingly.